Induction of Rev Elspeth Harley

It was a red-letter day on Friday when the Rev Elspeth Harley was inducted as the new minister for Caddonfoot linked with Trinity in Galashiels.

The Rev Harley was welcomed to the Borders at a special service in Trinity Church followed by a social to mark this celebratory occasion.

The initial part of the evening was chaired by the Moderator of Melrose and Peebles Presbytery, the Rev. Sheila Moir, who was joined by Presbytery Clerk, the Rev Victoria Linford, and the Rev Dr Linda Dunbar, who preached the sermon.

It was also attended by members of the Presbytery and both congregations as well as ministers from the Galashiels Fellowship of Churches.

Mrs Harley, who was accompanied by, among others, her husband Ewen, said that she was delighted to come to the Borders (from Aberdeen) and thanked the congregations for her warm welcome.

To mark the new ministry, Mrs Harley received a Bible, a pitcher/jug and communion vessels.

The social opened with a welcome and prayer by the Rev Marion Dodd, ‘retiring’ Locum and Interim Moderator.

The new minister was then welcomed to the Parish by Anne Grieve, Session Clerk at Caddonfoot, and Helen Stewart, and was introduced by a friend from the north, the Rev Helen Hamilton.

Several presentations were made – to husband Ewen and the Rev Dodd, by Trinity Session Clerk, Bill Cheyne.

Trinity treasurer Margaret Anderson, also made a presentation to former Interim Moderator, the Rev Tom Burt.

The Rev Duncan McCosh, minister of St Peter’s Church in Galashiels, extended a welcome on behalf of the Fellowship of Churches and Atholl Innes, Caddonfoot’s Congregational Board Clerk, gave the vote of thanks.

There were songs from the combined Trinity and Caddonfoot Choir.

Coffee, tea and food were organised and provided at the social, which was held in the church, by the ladies of both congregations.

And the evening ended with the Rev Harley, who had been presented with a new stole, saying the Blessing.

The celebrations for the new minister continue on Sunday with the Sacrament of Holy Communion in both churches where the Rev Ewen Gilchrist, minister of Cults Parish Church, and who has previous associations with the Borders, will preach the sermon.